Between 2014–2016, THA undertook a program of digitization of Scene Books from the JC Williamson collection held by Scenic Studios, Preston. The collection comprises thousands of images of JCW sets, backdrops, scenic details, lighting rigs etc. stretching back to the end of the nineteenth century.
JCW Scene Book 5
This volume was produced by Troedel & Cooper, Bookbinders, and dates from 1911 to 1920s. Dimensions: 63 x 51 x 6 There are indexes inside the front cover and on the back page. The contents comprise plans and elevations, drawn in ink and/or pencil to a scale of half an inch to the foot (ratio 1 to 24 - in common use today the ratio is 1 to 25). No dates attach to the individual pages and very rarely is there mention of a scenic artist.